Are You Keeping a Good Skincare Routine?

Taking care of your skin is important. Your skin protects your vital organs. Your skin also improves your appearance and helps you look younger. Taking care of your skin begins with a good skincare routine. Your dermatologist can help you establish the right skin care routine to help your skin look healthy and vibrant.

A good skincare routine should:

  • Take only a few minutes
  • Be easy, so you stick to it
  • Be effective, so it enhances the appearance of your skin

A good skincare routine requires a few important steps, including:

Cleaning your skin at least once each day with mild cleansing products like gels or foams. Don’t use soap because it can dry your skin.

Patting your skin gently. Avoid rubbing your skin. Leave a light film of moisture on your skin.

Using an alcohol-free toner. Toners containing alcohol can leave your skin feeling dry and tight.

Applying moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15 to guard your skin from sun damage.

Remember these important tips to care for your skin:

  • Always clean off your makeup before going to bed
  • Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 if you plan on staying in the sun for a long period of time.

Summers and winters can be especially hard on your skin. Sun and wind exposure can age your skin. Remember to:

  • Apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 30
  • Try not to be out in the sun from 10 AM to 4 PM when damaging UV rays are the most harmful
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Wear sunglasses, a hat, and other protective clothing
  • Use a heavier, cream moisturizer during the winter months
  • Avoid lingering in a hot shower or bath because it can dry your skin
  • Apply lip balm to keep your lips moist and prevent chapping

You can do a lot to keep your skin healthy, attractive, and young-looking. Your dermatologist can help. Your dermatologist offers a wide variety of treatments and services for anti-aging, skin conditions, acne, and more. To find out more about keeping a good skincare routine and how your dermatologist can help you, call your dermatologist today.

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